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August 2

Often, we cannot see our anarthas ourselves. This is why it is important to associate with other devotees. What we cannot see is often obvious to other devotees; the other devotees act as a mirror to reflect our attachments. We have probably all experienced periods where we like what we see in ourselves, but often, when our words and behaviors are reflected back to us in the association of devotees,we see ourselves differently. Ultimately, we have to make ourselves susceptible or open to hearing from others if we wish to clear our hearts. We have probably also all had the experience of seeing our chief attachments—attachments to which we are usually blind—in others. The tendency to find fault in others is quite deep. It means we take our faults and blame them on others. Or, we are so busy looking for faults in others that we do not have time to look for them in ourselves. We become too absorbed in seeing others’ faults. We have to overcome this obstacle if we wish to deepen our devotional surrender.