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October 11

When devotees gather and know that they should not discuss prajalpa, they wonder who will speak Krishna-katha first. Sometimes devotees even ask whether the other devotees would want to hear about Krishna. They may be afraid that speaking about Krishna makes them look puffed-up. But the Krishna-katha has to start flowing somewhere. We should be aware that we are practitioners. We are not pure devotees gathering for sadhu-sanga. A practitioner is someone who is practicing, who has not yet reached the spontaneous platform. Therefore, he doesn’t feel the spontaneous realization that Krishna is present in his life at every moment. Because he doesn’t have that realization, he will not be able to share it with others. His Krishna-katha may not have the same impact that a pure devotee’s conversation would have. Nonetheless, he is a practitioner, so let him practice. This may take common agreement. Can everyone agree that we are practitioners in devotional service? Then we should agree to practice speaking about Krishna. By such practice, we will begin to realize the satisfaction that comes from Krishna-katha. 
(Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)