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March 27

Just try to understand. If everyone's religion [dharma] is right... I may like or not like. That doesn't matter. You may like my religion. Then there is no question that any religion is irreligion. Just like the, some religions, they think killing of animal is their religion, and somebody thinks that killing of animal is irreligious. Then which is right, which is wrong? So dharma [religion] does not mean that you manufacture something, I manufacture something at home, or by some assembly, resolution passed. Just like in western countries there are so many... Here also, by passing resolution, it is accepted as dharma. So Krsna is not speaking of that type of dharma. First of all you have to understand. Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir [Bg. 4.7]. What is dharma? First of all you have to understand. Dharma means occupational duty. Or natural characteristic. That is called dharma. Just like sugar. Sugar is sweet. The sweetness is dharma of sugar. Chili is very hot. The hotness is the dharma of chili. If the chili becomes sweet and sugar becomes hot, that is adharma. Try to understand this. So first of all, who can give us dharma? That is stated in the sastras, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam [SB 6.3.19]. Dharma means the orders, given by the Supreme Lord, or Supreme Being, God. That is dharma. This is the shortest definition of dharma.

Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita 4.7, Bombay, March 27, 1974