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May 14

Thus, because the body is an important vehicle for crossing over the material world, one therefore maintains it so that he can use it for self-realization and not waste it for sense gratification. Lord Rishabhadeva explains that of all living entities who have been awarded material bodies, one who has accepted the human form of life should not waste it in the pursuit of sense gratification like the hogs and dogs that eat stool. One should instead engage in divine austerities and penances to achieve the divine position of devotional service, because by such activities one’s heart is purified and one begins to experience real happiness, which is transcendental to material happiness and which continues forever. Those austerities are to engage in devotional service to the Lord and to use everything in the service of the Lord. If one uses anything for his own enjoyment, he will have to face the consequences.
Lectures from a disciple 3, Pg 346, 4th Paragraph