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May 24

This human form of life is obtained after many, many millions of years by evolutionary process: aquatics, then insects, reptiles, birds, beasts, uncivilized men, and then civilized form of human being. They are called the Aryans. So the human being, civilized human being, is the topmost of the creation, and the consciousness is developed than the lower animals. Therefore the Vedanta philosophy says that this human form of life is meant for understanding knowledge Absolute, knowledge of the Absolute. Athato brahma jijnasa. Brahman means the Absolute. Brahman is explained in the Vedanta-sutra, janmady asya yatah: [SB 1.1.1] "Brahman, or the Absolute Truth, is that from whom everything has emanated." There must be the original source of everything. So to understand that original source of everything is the knowledge of the Absolute.

Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita 7.1, Fiji, 24 May 1975