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May 29

We want to see the Krishna consciousness movement expanding. Expansion means increasing the family members. But what keeps the family together is when everybody has a common respect for the elders. We must expand our Krishna consciousness in such a way that every devotee is increasing his Krishna consciousness and giving and sharing that Krishna consciousness with others. Expansion is something that is not always calculated by some external criteria. We have a tendency in the material world to see how things are expanding in terms of economic growth. But the previous acaryas, Vaishnavas and speakers of Srimad-Bhagavatam use a different barometer for real success. They measure it in terms of growth that takes place within the heart, and the growth that takes place in the relationships with Vaishnavas. When affection begins to grow within the heart through the association of Vaishnavas, then envy and the tendency to find faults in others begins to leave the heart.
(Lectures from a disciple, Vol 3, Expansion of Krishna Consciousness , Pg 388, 1st and 3rd Paragraph)