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The Purpose for Being in ISKCON

Commenting on the following sentence from SB 4.24.42 purport:

"The Krsna consciousness movement is based on Bhagavad-gita as it is, as spoken by Lord Krsna, and for those who are engaged in this movement, there is no question of uncertainty."

There may be many questions we have in our mind, there may be many challenges, there may be many doubts. But one thing is certain, and that is that the purpose of being in the Krishna Consciousness Movement is to remember Krishna. That's why Srila Prabhupada called this the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. He didn't call it the International Society for Society Consciousness. What's the value of the society if there is no Krishna Consciousness? It's Krishna who gives the society value. Therefore everything we do in this society is meant to help us remember Krishna. That much we should be completely convinced of. If we are convinced of that, we will never be lost. Even if we have to make difficult decisions, even if we have to be inconvenienced, even if we have to confront so many difficulties, we won't be lost. We'll realize that everything is being arranged by Krishna to help us remember Him. (from a lecture given in Moscow on July 26, 2016)