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August 3

Can we become deserving to develop pure love by our own endeavor, or will pure love eventually be granted to us?
Endeavor is the first stage of love. Even though our love in that first stage is obviously not pure, endeavor is an expression of affection. In the first stage of devotional service, devotional service in practice, the living entity accepts a spiritual master and endeavors to follow his instructions and the statements of scripture. As long as one’s love for Krishna remains dormant in the heart, we must first work from a platform of obligation. Srila Prabhupada said, “First there must be obedience. Without obedience there can never be love.” We should begin our endeavors out of obedience. When Krishna sees us making such endeavors, He will bestow love on us through the mercy of His devotees. Those who are obedient to the guru will receive help. As soon as we think we are making advancement on our own, we will lose our qualification to receive pure love.  
(LFD, Vol2, The Process for Awakening Bhakti, Pg 31, last paragraph)