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August 11

We have to associate with those who help us overcome sinful desires and avoid those who encourage us to fulfill them. Sometimes when devotees are weak, overcome by material desire, they associate with someone similarly weak, someone with the same material propensities. Then they simply encourage one another to engage in sense gratification. Instead, we should seek the association of devotees who can help us overcome our material desires. It is actually an item of sincerity to seek out proper instruction so that we can avoid committing sinful activities. Like, Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami says about himself, “My path is very difficult. I am blind, and my feet are slipping again and again. Therefore, may the saints help me by granting me the stick of their mercy as my support.” If our feet are slipping on the path, we need extra support. We have to take shelter of devotees who can give us that support in the form of their merciful instructions.
(LFD, Vol2, Becoming Free from Sin, Pg 42, 2nd & 3rd paragraph)"