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February 12

Sometimes we think that the Krishna consciousness movement is transcendental and that we don’t have to conform to the standards of human morality. That is not what Srila Prabhupada taught. He taught us to approach these qualifications by engaging in bhakti-yoga, especially hearing of the Lord’s pastimes and qualities. Srila Prabhupada taught us at initiation to accept four vows. If we think about it, what is so transcendental about these vows? They are simply principles meant to elevate us to the human status. We agree not to become intoxicated or to eat meat. These things are the standards of human life. Naturally we also take a vow to chant at least sixteen rounds a day. It’s understood that by chanting our rounds every day, we will gain strength to follow the regulative principles.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 344-345 last paragraph onwards.