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March 7

Our acaryas do not accept offering the fruits of our prescribed duties as a bona fide item of sadhana-bhakti. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s commentary to the sixty-first text of Brahma-samhita supports this view. He writes that offering our activities in varnasrama-dharma is gauna-bhakti, subsidiary devotional activity. Such activities are not directly bhakti, although they may be conducive to our performance of devotional service. The Bhagavatam purport to text 11.25.23 states: Ordinary work performed as an offering to God, without desire for the result, is understood to be in the mode of goodness, whereas activities of devotional service—such as chanting and hearing the glories of the Lord—are transcendental forms of work beyond the modes of nature.
LFD Vol 2 Pg 364 last Paragraph