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August 23

A phrase that we use very liberally sometimes is devotional service. We say, “This is my devotional service” or “I perform this devotional service” or “can I have some devotional service?” However, in devotional service, there must be some affection and absorption. Rupa Gosvami explains that there are two characteristics of devotional service: svarupa-lakshana and tatastha lakshana.The svarupa-lakshana (primary characteristic) of bhakti is the intent to please Krishna, and the secondary characteristic is freedom from any motivation, the desire for fruitive gain and the desire for liberation. When devotion, with the primary aim and desire to please Krishna, is awakened within the heart, it is Krishna’s mercy. Krishna does not otherwise give devotion so easily
Lectures from a Disciple, "Serving a Person", Pg 52, 2nd Paragraph