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October 28

Proud persons will not be accepted by Lord Caitanya as He cannot tolerate pride. Lord Nityananda therefore prepares the devotee and makes him qualified to serve Lord Caitanya. Lord Nityananda’s mercy is so expansive. Prabhupada said, “Lord Caitanya went to the classes (high class people) and Lord Nityananda went to the masses. Lord Nityananda thus took away the pride of Jagai and Madhai and prepared them to get Lord Caitanya’s mercy. Of course, when we speak about Lord Nityananda, we are also speaking about Him as the original spiritual master. Therefore, we have to accept the representative of the original spiritual master who is supposed to help us to become free from our pride by helping with the cleaning work.
LFD Vol 3, Eligibility for Devotional Service Pg 157, last paragraph onwards