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October 30

Prabhupada invested a lot of energy in cutting away our faith in the material world. That cutting process can sometimes be painful, having placed so much of our faith in material arrangements, such as in accumulation of wealth, thinking that it can protect us; or in protection of family members, society and friends. We therefore make it difficult for ourselves to immediately accept the conclusive statement of Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita: “Abandon your faith in all the other processes of religion and all other methods of taking artificial shelter, and just surrender unto Me.” To be able to immediately make that step of full surrender is not easy. It is an ongoing process. Sometimes we may artificially surrender everything and realize later that we really have not fully surrendered. Or sometimes one may have surrendered with a very sincere desire to give everything to the Supreme Lord, but may later realize that the surrendering process is not as easy as he thought it was when he first surrendered.
LFD Vol 3, Cultivating Krishna Conciousness Pg 161, 4th paragraph