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March 21

We sometimes hear the expression: “The Lord helps those who help themselves.” We help ourselves by cultivating the right attitude in approaching the Lord. The right attitude is to know that only Krishna can help us. Lord Caitanya is patita-pavana, the uplifter of the most fallen. We cannot become saved by any means other than His mercy. Prabhupada says in the purport that material possessions, high education, and respectable parentage, are just like a fever, which is an external symptom of an unhealthy body. The fever is inside the body, just as the anarthas are inside the body. When those anarthas are in the body, they manifest themselves externally. One has to clean himself from these anarthas, and there is no potency as great as the holy name of the Lord. This is how a devotee becomes akincana, and Krishna, being Akincana-gocara, gives Himself to that devotee who makes Lord Caitanya his goal in life.
Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Adi Lila 7.1 Moscow—May 2002, Page 46