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April 10

A Vaisnava is always anxious to glorify whatever good qualities he sees in others.  Therefore, when he sees these good qualities, his natural tendency is to expand them.  Such glorification is not false praise; it is how a genuine and humble devotee sees others, seeing himself as very fallen. We can just see how opposite the non-devotee mentality is.  As soon as a proud person sees a small fault, his natural tendency is to want to expand it.  He wants to broadcast it to the world.  This is due to pride.  He always wants to push himself forward as someone who is to be recognized.  However, a Vaisnava always tries to stay in the background.  If he comes forward, it is only because of an order; otherwise, he is not very anxious.
(Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Adi Lila: 8.33–49 Kiev—April 29, 2000, Pg 76)