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May 9

Let us try to understand the real meaning of the connection between the spiritual master and the disciple.  It is not just something that will formally take place on the particular day of your initiation.  The real connection is by receiving the instructions on the Holy Name and more; then, gradually, the proper conception of the Holy Name of the Lord will manifest within our minds and within our hearts.  We will gradually begin to experience some glimpse of the Holy Name by chanting in this way and simply always striving to chant that pure Holy Name of the Lord.  That continuous effort is what differentiates those who are offenders from those who are becoming cleared from offenses.  The offenders remain in ignorance.  Those who try to become free from offense will not remain in ignorance.  They will seek the appropriate instruction on the glories of the Holy Name of the Lord, and will endeavor to become free from their offenses and from their anarthas within the heart, by proper discrimination between what are the anarthas and what is the actual bhakti-lata bija.
MKV, Vol 2- Pg 8, (Initiation Lecture—Kiev, Ukraine—15/11/01)