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September 17

You can have God as your son. There are so many instances. Just like Devaki got Krsna as her son; mother Yasoda got God as her son; Saci-mata, she also got Caitanya Mahaprabhu as son. So this is better philosophy than to accept God as father. That is especially in the Vaisnava philosophy. Others, the impersonalist, voidists, they have no conception of God. Voidists -"Ultimately everything is zero," and the impersonalists, "God has no form." Both are the same thing, in a different language. The voidists, they say, "Ultimately there is nothing but zero," and the impersonalists statement that "Maybe something, but it is not person, it is imperson."

Leсture on Shrimad-Bhagavatam 1.7.20-21, Vrndavana, 17 September 1976