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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 16

We should have that faith, that by satisfying the spiritual master we can satisfy Krsna. That faith must be there.

August 16, 1992, Dnepropetrovsk

August 14

To the degree that we chant with feeling, we are associating and to the degree that we don’t chant with feeling, we are not associating. To the degree that we hear others with feeling, we are associating and to the degree that we lack interest of hearing, we are not associating. That is what it means to associate. It’s with feeling.

August 14, 2008, Kiev

August 13

You have to start seeing Krsna with the ears. When you see Krsna through the ears, then you will engage the other senses in the service of Krsna with faith and that purify senses. Krsna will reveal Himself to you.

August 13, 2005, Vitebsk

August 12

Anything that increases Krsna's pleasure is always spiritual, and therefore even the competition in the spiritual world is completely spiritual because it is also increases Krsna's pleasure.

August 12, 2005, Minsk

August 11

When one actually has complete shelter in the Lord and has affectionate relationship to the Lord, it also includes the Lords parts and parcels. So it’s never selfish to be fully dependent upon the Lord and to be fully conscious of the Lord.

August 11, 2005, Minsk

August 10

The firm faith in the Holy Name of the Lord should present before taking initiation. Candidate must experience the glories of the Holy Name of the Lord before accepting the Holy Name of the Lord.

August 10, 2002, Minsk

August 9

Pure devotee [...] knows, that Krsna is present in the instructions of the spiritual master. He knows, that hearing the instructions of the spiritual master is as good, as seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, because the Lord appears before the disciple in the instructions of the spiritual master.

August 9, 1993, Moscow

August 8

Srimad Bhagavatam is meant for those, who are free from envy. One must give up his envious nature of the Lord. One of the greatest symptoms of envy is to try to put oneself on the same level with the Lord.

August 8, 1993, Moscow

August 6

Accepting the spiritual master means to receive instructions about how to execute one's duties in Krsna consciousness. When one's faith will become stronger, one will advance. There must be activity, not blind faith.

August 6, 1998, Smolensk

August 5

Every learned person knows, that attachment to the material is the cause of bondage for the living entities. When the same attachment applied to the self-realized devotees, it opens the door to liberation.

August 5, 1992, Kiev
