May 11
It is completely contradictory to think of the welfare of others while defending one’s own false ego. Only a person who is actually free from false ego can genuinely feel compassion for the welfare of others.
May 11, 2001, Moscow
It is completely contradictory to think of the welfare of others while defending one’s own false ego. Only a person who is actually free from false ego can genuinely feel compassion for the welfare of others.
May 11, 2001, Moscow
When the higher order is there, and purity is there, then empowerment is also there. And when empowerment is there, then those who come in contact with it come in contact with Krsna.
May 10, 2000, Kiev
One cannot be happy as long as he endeavors for happiness. As soon as he begins his endeavors for happiness, immediately the conditions for distress begin. This is a fruit of duality. If we don’t have Krsna consciousness, then all we have is duality and it is hell.
May 9, 2005, Kiev
Therefore, our only hope to have a relationship with Lord Caitanya, and to serve Lord Caitanya, is to serve the devotees of Lord Caitanya.
May 8, 2005, Kiev
Vaisnavas are very pleased when a submissive and humble attitude is manifest in the heart. And when they see such a humble and submissive attitude, they will then pour their blessings upon you. And when they pour these blessings, service will come and service awakens deep within the heart. When this service attitude is awakened, then the Lord inspires from within on how to serve nicely. Everything will happen within the heart, but first, the heart needs to be cleansed.
May 7, 2005, Kiev
To get the Lords attention, the devotee has to think himself very low, then immediately one becomes very important in the eyes of the Lord. This is how one feels the sense of worth.
May 6, 2001, Divnamorsk
It is called causeless mercy because bhakti has no cause other than bhakti. So without contact with bhakti one can not get bhakti.
May 5, 2001, Divnamorsk
Lord Caitanya came to teach us how to chant the Holy Name with the feeling of separation from Krsna. Without separation, there is no full understanding of union. The feeling of separation increases the feeling of union.
May 4, 2004, Dnepropetrovsk
Dharma means how to act according one's nature. We can not create dharma, because dharma is coming from an authority higher then ourselves. We simply receive it from the Supreme, through disciplic succession, for the welfare of others.
May 3, 2009, Taichung
The root of all offenses is attachment to those things which have no relationship with Krishna. This enjoying spirit causes us to turn away from Krishna. And due to that attachment, we commit aparadha, which means, "that which turns us away from the service of Srimati Radharani."
May 2, 2001, Moscow