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June 11

Now that you have come to Krishna Consciousness, your spiritual life, the real life, has begun. First birth is from your parents but real birth, real life, begins when one accepts a bona fide spiritual master and renders service onto him. Then the path is open for going back to home, back to Godhead, to live eternally in full knowledge and full bliss and in association with the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, Lord Krishna. That is the goal, and the means to attain it are simple. You should strictly follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read and study all our books, attend aratis and go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way be engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and your rapid advancement in Krishna Consciousness will be certain.

Letter to Narayani, 11 June, 1971