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September 9

Recently, a devotee asked me how a preacher can realistically distance himself from pride. This is easily reconciled by the devotee’s unwillingness to claim the credit for his preaching, and for his overwhelming desire to share the glories of the Lord with others. A Vaishnava always offers his obeisances to his superiors in his mind before speaking to others, then offers obeisances to his audience. Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami does that often in the Caitanya-caritamrita. He offers his obeisances to the readers, because they are eager to drink the nectar emanating from the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya. He thinks as he writes, “By their blessing and by the blessings of my superiors I will be qualified to say something worth saying.” In this way he remains a servant, free from pride. He never thinks of himself as a great orator but only as a humble conduit for the Lord’s mercy.
(Sri Siksastaka- bhasya, Moscow 5.17.2001)