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September 17

All the inhabitants of Vrndavana, they did not know, neither they did care to know whether Krsna is God or not. They simply loved Krsna, without any identification. We are worshiping God, Krsna, because we are impressed with so many things, that Krsna is the Supreme Lord, He is the Absolute Truth. And therefore we are little inclined. "All right, let us serve Krsna if He is God." You see? There is some condition: "If Krsna is God, so if I do not love, if I do not worship, there may be something wrong." So that is business. But amongst the gopis and the cowherds boy and the Vrndavana inhabitants, there is no business. "We love Krsna unconditionally. That's all. We do not know anything except Krsna." This is Vrndavana atmosphere.

Leсture on Shrimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.11-12, Los Angeles, 17 September 1972