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January 2

You asked for some tips for keeping our faith and strong conviction. The key is in hearing; this is the most effective way for increasing conviction. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur explains in Madhurya Kadambini that faith arises in two ways. One is spontaneously, or svabhaviki (as a result of some previous contact with devotional service), or if it is not spontaneously there, the second way it arises is called baladutpadita—by the forceful preaching of another. Forceful preaching doesn't mean that it could be compared to binding somebody's arm behind their back and forcing them to do something against their will. Srila Prabhupada would oftentimes say that "purity is the force." This means that even though one may speak very simply, without pressuring another into doing anything against his own will, if his motive is pure, there is a particular "force" in his words, and that force has a way of compelling someone who has actually heard to act. In other words, by coming in contact with purity, one gets faith, and when one hears from someone with realization and taste, he develops a desire to obtain that which this person possesses.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 119 2nd Paragraph)