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January 13

Raising a child in Krishna consciousness is a big responsibility, and I am fully aware of the amount of time and attention that is required to bring up a child—especially when he is still at such a young age. This responsibility cannot be neglected or passed on to somebody else. The parents must raise the child in the best environment possible so that the child will learn Krishna consciousness from the beginning of his life. Therefore, naturally, both your maternal and devotional duties must be executed in order to achieve the best result for your child. If you fall into some debt in your rounds, it is understandable. But, gradually, as your child gets just a little bit older, and begins to sleep more regularly, you should be taking advantage of his sleeping to resume your commitment to 16 rounds daily. This chanting is the most important out of any other devotional service which you might render. And it is by this chanting that you can satisfy me.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Pg 145, 4th Paragraph)