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July 16

Once, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta went with many of his household disciples to the temple of Sakshi-gopala. In front of the temple, there were many beggars. The householders decided amongst themselves to not give in charity to the beggars, but instead to give to God. However, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura chastised them: “You are not giving to the beggars. You must understand that the Supersoul is within their hearts. When you are giving charity, you are giving to the Lord within the heart.” He went on to explain that even in the temple, whenever a guest comes and whoever he may be, he should be given some food. This is the atithinarayan principle (respecting the uninvited or unscheduled guest as if he were God). However, one should not give food regularly to the same beggars, because then they will simply come for food. Thus we must see the Supreme Personality of God within the hearts of all living beings.
(LFD Vol 3, Brahmachari Asharam, Pg 426, 6th Paragraph)