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July 22

How do we become more focused in our devotional service?
To be focused on our service means to see Krishna present in the work. To remember Krishna is the goal of all our regulated activities in devotional service. But Krishna says, “If you can’t fix your mind on Me, then follow the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga. In this way, you can cultivate a desire to attain Me.” So execute your duties in proper consciousness, thinking, “Krishna has given me this duty.” If we do not see Krishna present in our duty, how can we remember Him, think of Him, and depend on Him?  But if we are not able to see Krishna in our service, then we have to associate with those who can help us see Him. Otherwise, our service becomes mechanical. Our duties are meant to increase our attraction for hearing about Krishna’s activities and pastimes. If we try to remember Krishna while carrying them out, we will gradually become more focused.  There are higher stages of becoming more focused on Krishna. Eventually, we will come to the stage of mantra-upäsana, whereby chanting a mantra or verse from the scripture will remind us of a particular pastime. We will then focus our mind on it and Krishna and His devotees will become fixed in our mind and heart. In Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu Srila Rupa Gosvami calls this meditation rupa-dhyanam, which means meditating on the Lord’s form. It is also possible to meditate (dhyanam) on particular aspects of service to the Lord.
(LFD, Vol2, The Process for Awakening Bhakti, Pg 28 and 29)