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August 5

Devotees are often anxious about how to balance either their temple duties as book distributor, temple president, pujari, cook, etc., with their sadhana; or their work for maintaining their body with their sadhana. Srila Prabhupada explains in the Bhagavatam that for those who are not liberated, there are two kinds of activities that must be performed—those aimed at maintaining the body and those aimed at achieving liberation. We shouldn't neglect either. If we imitate the liberated souls and neglect the activities that maintain the body, we will fall down; false renunciation does not lead upward. Therefore we should not try to imitate liberated souls but follow in their footsteps. That means that we do have to practice both sadhana as well as duties connected to this world, until we are at least on the liberated platform. This will be impossible without utsaha (enthusiasm). If we have no enthusiasm for our sadhana, we will become negligent in our worship. Negligence is born out of inactivity (laziness), apathy, or indifference. Utsaha conquers all three.
(LFD, Vol2, Enthusiasm for Devotional Service, Pg 33 and 34)