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August 9

Is there a difference between how people were attracted to Krishna consciousness during Sri Caitanya’s time and how they have been attracted today?

Srila Prabhupäda told us that we are not so powerful that we can make wild animals chant and dance in ecstatic love of Godhead, but at least we should try to attract the human beings. But although the distribution of love of God was exceptional during Lord Caitanya’s presence, seeing devotees since then who have truly relished Krishna consciousness in one another’s association has been very attractive to the conditioned souls. When we see genuine Vaisnava exchanges between devotees, we witness real displays of Vaisnava qualities like humility, tolerance, and patience. This is attractive.  Speaking about Vaisnava etiquette, there are many examples of how Lord Caitanya bestowed His mercy on the Vaisnavas and how other Vaisnavas became happy to see it. When we see Vaisnava exchanges that are free from envy and pride, we see the Vaisnavas’ attraction to hearing and chanting about Krishna. All of this allows us to develop faith and attracts us to take part.
(LFD, Vol2, Enthusiasm for Devotional Service, Pg 37 and Pg 38)