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August 18

Kali’s influence is not only present externally, it is present internally, in our own hearts. Certainly, we go out to preach Krishna consciousness because we can see Kali-yuga manifesting everywhere, but if we really want to conquer Kali, we can also look into our own hearts and see how attracted we are to maya. To the degree that we suffer from such attraction, it will be that much more difficult to fight maya. We require strength. The Mundaka Upanisad (3.2.4) states, “A person devoid of strength in devotional service cannot achieve the Supreme Soul, the Lord. Only one who is eager to practice devotional service through the process of chanting His holy names can enter the supreme abode of the Lord.” We begin to practice devotional service by engaging in activities for Krishna’s satisfaction.  But even to do that we need strength. Where will we get it? To gain spiritual strength, we must seek it from someone who already has it. And the source of all spiritual strength is Lord Balarama.
(LFD, Vol2, Spiritual Strength in Executing Sadhana-bhakti, Pg 46 and Pg 47)