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September 16

The fourth stage of anisthita bhakti is visaya-sangara, struggle with the senses. Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura quotes: “One whose heart is absorbed in materialism is far from obtaining devotion to Visnu. How can a man by going east obtain something that is in the west?” Struggle with the senses indicates that we want to satisfy our material desires. But we also want spiritual advancement. If we try to satisfy the desires, then how will we make spiritual advancement? Srila Prabhupada gave a different analogy: How can a person hope to ignite a fire if he pours water on it at the same time? So, we have to give up our material attachments.
(LFD, Vol2, Being Careful to Avoid Anisthita-bhakti, Pg 54, 3rd paragraph)