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September 18

The last characteristic of anisthita-bhakti is taranga-rangini, enjoying the facilities bhakti offers. We may chant Hare Krishna for some time and gradually become steady. This may bring us respect or even position. Then we begin to like the position and facilities our practices give us, and become more attached to the facilities than to bhakti itself. Lord Caitanya explained to Rupa Gosvami that while watering the devotional seed in the heart, sometimes it is found that the weeds (anarthas) grow faster than the devotional creeper. We have to learn to discriminate between the devotional creeper and the weeds, and then cut away the weeds. This is too difficult a task to perform alone. Rather, Krishna removes the anarthas from the hearts of those who have developed the urge to hear about Him. The more eager we are to hear about Krishna rather than to meditate on our material desires, the more Krishna will act from within the heart to remove the material desires from our heart. Be attentive while watering the devotional plant. If we find ourselves focusing more on the weeds than the bhakti-lata , then we are guilty of taranga-rangini, enjoying our own anarthas in the name of practicing bhakti.
(LFD, Vol2, Being Careful to Avoid Anisthita-bhakti, Pg 54, last paragraph)