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October 10

How should householders achieve steady faith?
Maharaja Yudhisthira asked this same question of Narada Muni. He said, “I am a grhamudha-dhi, I have the tendency to forget the goal of life, and you are brahmacari. Please, therefore, describe to me the means by which one can achieve salvation in this world according to scriptural descriptions.” Narada Muni gave him the instruction that the householders must hear daily about the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s pastimes in the association of devotees. By hearing about the Lord’s superior activities, the householders will gradually awaken from their dreamlike condition, just as persons gradually wake from their dreams at the end of night. The relationships of this world are simply a perverted reflection of the eternal relationships in the spiritual world, but without hearing about spiritual relationships in relation to Krishna’s pastimes, it’s very hard to understand that. People tend to accept the contents of their dreams as real while they are in the midst of them.  Devotees do not renounce anything that can be engaged in Krishna’s devotional service. Rather, they can care for their families and possessions if they see that by maintaining them the body remains fit for hearing and chanting about Krishna. This will allow them to achieve perfection. It is this striving for perfection that gives householders their impetus to work; it is the root of their enthusiasm, because they know their work will not be a source of misery. As householders live in this way, focused on hearing and chanting about Krishna, their faith increases. It is important that householders adopt activities that increase their faith.
(LFD, Vol2, Faith—The Price for the Holy Name, Pg 97 and Pg 98)