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November 21

All through the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna assures us that whatever condition we have attained in life does not need to be changed if we wish to practice devotional service. What we need to do is to learn how to work in the proper consciousness. Work is not simply meant to maintain the material body but as an offering to Krishna. We need to place Krishna in the center of our lives. If we want to place Krishna in the center of our lives then we must hear and chant regularly. If we don't we will forget why we are working. We will think we are working to maintain the body and its extension - family, society, and nation. We will not remember that the goal of all work is to give pleasure to Krishna. By working in such consciousness we increase our attachment to Krishna.
Lectures from a disciple Volume 1 "Spiritual Lives of Grhasthas", Pg 363-364