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December 16

Surrender is an ongoing process. We should never foolishly think we have surrendered once and for all. Pride can become the greatest obstacle on our path. Surrender is not something that occurs at a particular point in time; it is a way of life. Krishna says, "As they surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly." Surrender followed by Krishna's reciprocation is an ever-increasing process. A devotee therefore always seeks opportunities to increase his surrender. We are not free from material desires. We can pray to Krishna for shelter against them. If we think we surrendered five or ten or fifteen years ago, and that we have no further need to surrender, then it is likely that those desires will arise in the heart and we will become attracted to them. We need Krishna's constant protection. Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, "Surrender is an ongoing process", Pg 95 - 3rd Paragraph