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February 8

When we are in a position to petition the Lord, what should we ask of Him? The science of Krishna consciousness is based on knowing what to ask for. To learn this science, we can examine the examples of the great Vaisnavas. What have the pure Vaisnavas asked for when they were in the Lord’s presence? Elevated Vaisnavas ask to hear and chant about Krishna.
They ask for devotion. They ask for service. They are not interested in material boons given either by Krishna or His pure devotees. When Khatvanga Maharaja found that he had only a moment to live and was faced with asking a benediction, he remembered his time in the material world and rejected the idea of asking for anything material. Instead he prayed to remember Krishna at the time of death. If we are similarly interested, we will get Krishna’s mercy.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 325-326 last paragraph onwards.