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June 29

Sometimes devotees are very eager to jump immediately into the confidential subject matters, but if the adhikara (qualification) is not there, they will not be able to come closer to Krishna. Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that it is like the person who tries to get the ripest fruit on the top of the tree by jumping. You can jump as much as you want, but the fruit is out of reach at the top of the tree. If you want to get to that ripe fruit, you have to climb the tree. Similarly, sometimes people want to get the confidential subject matter, but they do not want to climb the tree. As Prabhupada said, one must first deserve and then desire. We have to show Krishna that we really want confidential knowledge of Him. We have to hanker for it and qualify ourselves. That should be our bhajana and sadhana.
LFD Vol 3, Becoming recognized as a servant of the Lord, Pg 74, 4th paragraph.