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October 5

Prabhupada gives the example in the Srimad-Bhagavatam of how material desires are like the waves of a river. One may enter into the river and try to stop the movement of the waves by his own strength. He may flap his arms to push back the waves, but he will have very little effect upon the influence of those waves. However, when the waves of the river enter into the ocean, then because the ocean is more powerful than the river, the ocean will push back the influence of the river’s waves. Because the ocean is more powerful than the waves of the river, one should take shelter in the ocean of devotional service. By the power of devotional service, we can be protected from the waves of material desires. One who takes shelter of devotional service is protected by Krishna, and by the power of Krishna, the waves of material desires can be pushed back.
LFD Vol 3,Spiritual Strength Pg 132, 3rd paragraph onwards