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October 31

It is a very liberating feeling to give up material things and take shelter in the holy name, Srimad-Bhagavatam and devotional service. It brings about a certain sense of relief from distress. However, after time passes, one may begin to perceive that there are still so many things that he has not yet given up. Certain attachments begin to surface in the heart and thoughts, and one may even think that this process is not working. This is because they lose their faith, and they give up their practice in Krishna consciousness. However, one moment of full consciousness is far superior to living a long life devoid of knowledge of the Supreme. Everybody is struggling to live a long and happy life, but he who is struggling to get that one moment of full consciousness is a rare soul.
LFD Vol 3, Cultivating Krishna Conciousness Pg 161, 2nd last paragraph onwards