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March 20

When a devotee perceives how his anarthas are seemingly inflamed under certain circumstances, he should see it as an opportunity to pray to the Lord to help him become free from these anarthas. Like quite often the anarthas arouse in the association of devotees. Such is the power of the association of devotees! When one sees his anarthas inflamed in this way, he should not think, “The devotee is making these anarthas appear!” No, they are already there, waiting to come out.When the anarthas come out, a devotee should pray to the Lord, “Please help me to become free from these anarthas.” He does not pray, “Please help me to become free from the association of devotees.” If somebody thinks that way, he may get the fulfillment of his desires, but those anarthas will remain deep within the core of his heart.
Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Adi Lila 7.1 Moscow—May 2002, Page 46