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March 31

As we advance on this path, gradually attachments go away.  We then become fixed and develop an attraction to the Lord.  When that attraction to the Lord is developed, real devotion and devotional service can begin.  We begin to execute devotional service out of spontaneous attraction to the Lord.  However, until we come to that platform, we have to derive this pleasure from the association of those who already have it.  Therefore, the Srimad-Bhagavatam states that in the association of these devotees, one has to hear, and this will give one some attraction to hearing and chanting.  If we want to develop the taste, then we have to serve such persons.  One way of serving is by hearing.  Isvara Puri said to Lord Caitanya, “I am obliged to You because You heard me.  You took up my instructions.  You are chanting and dancing, experiencing this taste.  This is actual service.”
Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Adi Lila 7.62-92 Donetsk—June 17, 2000, Page 60