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February 21

So far I am concerned, I am a humble disciple of His Divine Grace, Om Visnupad Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, who was the original pioneer of spreading this movement in the Western world. During his lifetime, up to 1936, he started 64 main centers all over the world, including centers in Berlin, Germany, and London, England. His Divine Grace entrusted me to spread this movement in the Western countries, and since 1965, I am trying in my humble way to spread this movement in this part of the world. I am recognized Acarya of this movement, as will be evidenced by the enclosed copies of different branches of the Gaudiya Math institutions. The certificates enclosed herewith are signed by my God-brothers, who have now different branches of the same Gaudiya Math Institution which I am now spreading in this country. So, originating from Caitanya Mahaprabhu, there are thousands of centers all over India for spreading this Krishna Consciousness philosophy.

Letter to Mr. David J. Exley, 21 February, 1968