Meat-eating is sinful. Why? What is the sin there? Illicit sex, what is the wrong there? Intoxication, what is wrong there? They do not find any immorality. So this standard of morality, there cannot be fixed up if one is not God conscious. Standard of morality, standard of goodness, cannot be. That is the decision of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Harav abhaktasya kuto mahad-gunah. Lack of Krsna consciousness. They think that animal has no soul. They do not accept this morality that animal cannot be killed, it is sinful, it is immoral. They have created their own theory. So without being standardized by Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness, you cannot find the standard platform of morality, honesty.
Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.26-27, London, August 29, 1973