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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 3

Yes, we have got all the qualities of the Supersoul. Therefore, unless the Supersoul has got consciousness, how we can have consciousness? We are the samples, therefore the origin must have all the qualities that we have. There is no such thing as acceptance or rejection by the mind of the Supersoul. Our mind is in the present material existence a nonsense. It's business is simply to accept or reject. The Supersoul has no separate mind like that, but He has got mind also, and whatever He thinks in His mind, also, that is a fact. There is no question of accepting or rejecting. In Sanskrit language it is called Satya Sankalpa. And our mind is Vikalpa. The mind, body and the Supersoul is the same Absolute truth, there is no distinction between Them. This is in answer to your question, "is the 'conscience' the symptom of the Supersoul?''

Letter to Rupanuga, 3 July, 1968

July 2

Those who are very, very sinful, they go to the hellish condition of life, the planets. They are down this universe. There is the kingdom of Pluto, or Yamaraja. And he comes at the time of death, and the sinful man... Is very, very fierceful, odd looking, and they come to take. So here it is said that one who has once surrendered to Krsna, for them there is no such fear. Even in dream they will not see the order-carriers of Yamaraja.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.19, Denver, 2 July, 1975

July 1

All students should be encouraged to write some article after reading Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita and Teachings of Lord Caitanya. They should realize the information, and they must present their assimilation in their own words. Otherwise, how they can become preachers?

Letter to Brahmananda, 1 July, 1969

June 30

Krsna is not an ordinary man. Therefore Krsna warns this. Avajananti mam mudhah [Bg. 9.11]. Mudha rascals. To accept God as man and to accept man as God, this is rascaldom.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 9.11, Calcutta, June 30, 1973

June 29

I wish that all of you, especially those that are married couples, may combinedly advance in Krsna consciousness being constantly engaged in His loving service and that will make me very happy.

Letter to Madhusudana, 29 June, 1970

June 28

"In Kali-yuga, this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, there shall be a waning of these qualities: religiosity, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, memory, bodily strength, duration of life, and mercy" (SB 12.2.1) These are the human assets - qualities which make a human being distinct from the animals. But these things will decline. There will be almost no mercy, there will be almost no truthfulness, memory will be shortened, duration of life shortened. Similarly, religion will practically vanish. So that means gradually human beings will descend to the platform of animals.

Replies to a Questionnaire from Bhavan's Journal, June 28, 1976

June 27

It is very scientific movement because at the present moment we are all godless, forgotten what is God and what to speak of His name. They do not believe in God and what to speak of His name, fame, His place, His activities, His form, His qualities. How we can know? There is no educational system about the science of God. This movement, Krsna consciousness movement, is teaching the science of God. And if you accept the name of the God, name of God, Krsna - this is also affirmed in other system also - then you will be able to associate with God immediately. Because God is Absolute. Absolute means there is no difference.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 3.27, Melbourne, June 27, 1974

June 26

Why the marriage is there? Just to restrict. Without marriage, the man and woman will be open to so many other men and women. Therefore it is to restrict. One man, one woman. Otherwise, if you associate with so many men and so many women, this is animalism. So in order to check him from the animal life, sex intercourse, the marriage is there. This is the purpose. Therefore sastra. Sastra means simply restrict. One who is accustomed to restriction, he's perfect. Not indulgence. The animals are not restricted. But nowadays, better animal is restricted. They have got a time for sexual intercourse. But these, these animals, the four-, two-legged, two-hands animal, they have no restriction. Any time. Less than animal. Therefore sastra is there.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.10.13, Mayapura, June 26, 1973

June 25

Krsna has nothing to do, but to maintain the human society very peaceful, advancing in spiritual knowledge, this varnasrama is required. Therefore sometimes I become very eager to start a varnasrama college. We have nothing to do with varnasrama, we Krsna ..., But we want to see that the whole human society is peaceful. That is our mission.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.12, Los Angeles, 25 June, 1975

June 24

Every verse in Vedic literatures, especially Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are not ordinary sounds. Simply if you chant the mantras, you become purified.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.4.1, Los Angeles, June 24, 1972
