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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 23

 Krsna personally comes to canvass. Because we are all Krsna's children, He's very sorry that we are in this miserable condition of life. He's very sorry. But we are so fool, we do not know that what is the condition of our life. We are thinking we are very much happy. This is called maya. He's suffering, he's kicked by the shoes of maya every moment, and still, he's thinking "I am very happy. Why shall I go back to home? I shall remain in America." But you cannot be allowed to remain in America. You are born of a very rich family, a rich nation, you have got opulence. Your roads and your houses are very nice, but who is going to allow you to live here? Why don't you think like that? You may live for fifty years, or sixty years, or utmost 100 years; then you'll be kicked out. But they do not know that life is eternal.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.25, Los Angeles, June 23, 1972

June 22

Canakya Pandita, although he was prime minister, he maintained his brahminical spirit. He was not accepting any salary, yes, because for brahmanas to accept salary, it is understood that he becomes a dog. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavata. He can advise, but he cannot accept. So he was living in a cottage, but he was prime minister. So this brahminical culture, the brahminical brain, is the standard of Vedic civilization...

Conversation with Professor Kotovsky, Spiritual Communism, Moscow, June 22, 1971

June 21

Please accept my blessings and offer the same to your good wife, Arundhati, and your firstborn son, whom you may give the name Aniruddha. This is very good news. Now you must take the responsible post of both husband and father to guide both these good souls, your wife and son, to the perfection of human life in Krsna consciousness. You and your wife are both intelligent and advanced in devotional science, so work conjointly to raise your son in the best atmosphere of ideal family blessed by Krsna in Krsna consciousness.

Letter to Pradyumna, 21 June, 1970


June 20

Those who have no interest to understand Bhagavad-gita as it is, the result is mam aprapya. Aprapya mam. He never approaches God. He remains in this material world of repetition of birth and death. That is not a very good job.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 9.3, Toronto, 20 June, 1976


June 19

One has to become purified by freeing himself from all designations. This is the first step. We are now under different designations. Every one of us is thinking that "I am this body, and because I am this body and this body is produced under certain condition, in a certain family, by certain father and mother, in a certain society, certain country, certain land, therefore I have got, you have got so many designations." But we have to become first of all free from the designations. That is the first qualification for understanding the science of God.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.9, Montreal, June 19, 1968

June 18

Please keep yourself saved by chanting 16 rounds daily and following the regulative principles, and reading books. For the time being, stay with your parents until you are of proper age to be independent. Raghunatha dasa Goswami was also restricted by his parents, but ultimately he joined Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement and became one of the six Goswamis of Vrndavana. So, do not be discouraged, rather feel fortunate that at such a young age you are able to practice Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Durgesh Patel, 18 June, 1975

June 17

Here in the material world, without the assistance of the wife, nobody can produce a child. But there is the tangible example, that Visnu, without any sex life with wife He produced a child. In the material sense, we cannot conceive how a child can take birth without being born through the abdomen of one woman. Therefore, Krishna being both father and mother, He can be addressed also as mother. That is His all-powerful strength. He is full in Himself. He does not require anyone's help, therefore, He is both father and mother.

Letter to Sacisuta, 17 June, 1968

June 16

Maharaja Dasarath, although he was a great devotee of the Lord, but because he was a Ksatriya king, keeping one's promise is inevitable for him. He preferred to banish Ramacandra on the request of his wife on the principle of keeping his promise. In higher states of spiritual life, one can break even promises also, but they are devotees of comparative merit. In the case of Vasudeva, we find that he was spiritually more advanced than Maharaja Dasarath. Vasudeva was also in agreement with Kamsa that he would deliver all his sons to his hand, as soon as the child is born. But in the case of Krishna he broke his promise.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 16 June, 1968

June 15

So now you are married in Krishna Consciousness; that is very nice. But sometimes married life is risky business because being attracted by the wife, one forgets Krishna. But if both the husband and wife remember Krishna, then their householder life becomes Vaikuntha. Our acharya Bhaktivinode Thakura was the perfect householder and we should take his example. How nice a householder he was and how nice children he produced; one of them is my Guru Maharaja. That is the example. So follow it and become successful in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Svarupa, 15 June, 1971

June 14

The whole idea is that people residing in New Vrindaban may not have to search out work outside. Arrangements should be such that the residents should be self-satisfied. That will make an ideal asrama. I do not know these ideals can be given practical shape, but I think like that; that people may be happy in any place with land and cow without endeavoring for so-called amenities of modern life - which simply increase anxieties for maintenance and proper equipment.

Letter to Hayagriva, 14 June, 1968
