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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

December 2

Krishna is the root of everything. If He is pleased, everyone will be pleased. If you pour water on the root, the water will be distributed all over the tree. This is the best service to humanity.

Letter to Mr.Karsan, December 2, 1976

December 1

Because we drink cow’s milk, we should accept the cow as our mother. That is etiquette.

Letter to Nayanabhirama, December 1, 1971

November 30

If you do not understanding somebody, how you can love him? Love is far, far away. But Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is so kind that he is distributing Krishna-prema: "Take anyone. Come on".

Bombey, November 30, 1974

November 29

Any work that is performed by a devotee in Krishna Consciousness is never work on material platform although it may appear to be so.

Letter to Krishnakanti, November 29, 1970

November 28

Fate can be changed by Krishna Consciousness. Krishna says "I shall give you protection from all resultant actions of your sinful life". That is fate changed. When you surrender to Krishna, He takes charge of squaring up all your sinful activities and their reaction. Surrender to Krishna, then your fate is changed.

Delhi, November 28, 1975

November 27

The governing principle for our activity should be to do what is favorable for pleasing Krishna.

Letter to Lalita Kumar, November 27, 1971

November 26

When we keep our association with Krishna - every activity is proper and liberating, but if we should dissociate ourselves from the Lord's Mercy, then we like a hand which is separated from the body - we become ugly and useless.

Letter to Hrisikesa, November 26, 1968

November 25

With foldered hands I request you, don't you become hippers again by growing hair. Keep your head cleansed at least once a month. That is my request. Neither I can chastise you. I am also old man, your are young men.

Vrindavana, November 25, 1976

November 24

To the sincere devotee, this ocean of maya is easily crossed by the cool breeze of Krishna's Grase. This is our business, to submit to Krishna's desire to have us back with Him in the eternal sky of Krishna Loka.

Letter to Syamasundara, November 24,1968

November 23

There is only one guru - Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So those who simply repeat His words, they also become guru. But of course a guru never thinks himself as being God. He only thinks himself as a servant of the servant.

Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Bhatia, November 23, 1975
