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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

January 22

Don't give them [books] freely. There should be either the option to pay or return. Neither you should give the books to the Librarians of public and hospital libraries, it will not be fruitful. They have their managing committee's, so approach these men individually to purchase books for the libraries.

Letter to Jayatirtha dasa, 22 January, 1976

January 20

So far making tapes of Ajamila series, I have told Los Angeles tape-making operation that they should distribute to our devotees at cost price to nondevotee that is another thing. We should not make exorbitant profit by exploiting each other in the matter of vital Krishna Consciousness paraphernalia such as books, tapes, etc. which are vital for our preaching work and for the devotees' personal advancement in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Hamsaduta dasa, 20 January, 1972

January 19

So, any devotee executing any one of the nine is transcendentally glorious. One devotee may be proud that his process of service is the best. That is not inglorious. This is called transcendental competition. Everyone should feel proud of his particular type of devotional service, but that does not mean that other types of service are inferior. Everyone should feel proud of becoming sincere servant of Krishna, but the pure devotee never minimizes the importance of other devotees.

Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, 19 January, 1975

January 18

Please do your duty combinedly without any disruption of peaceful attitudes amongst yourselves. We are pushing our movement on the background of a peaceful atmosphere in the world, and if we show a little disturbance in our own camp that will not be a very good example. Therefore, everyone should be forebearing, tolerant and cooperative. That is my special request to you all.

Letter to Janaki devi dasi, 18 January, 1969

January 16

Our movement is based on love and trust, so if we do not co-operate, then how is that love and trust? Follow all of the rules and regulations very strictly without deviation, chant 16 rounds, attend class and mangala arati and then everything will be alright.

Letter to Krsnavesa devi dasi, 16 January, 1975

January 15

Each and every living entity is an individual soul and as such disagreement is quite possible in our dealings with one another but we have to consider the central point of interest. Do not take at any time an attitude of non-cooperation because you may have not agreed with another's point of view.

Letter to Yamuna devi dasi and Harsarani devi dasi, 15 January, 1968

January 14

Regarding love affairs in the material world: they are only shadows or reflections of the real love with Krishna. If you love Krishna in any capacity, you shall never be frustrated because everything in Krishna is perfect, eternal, blissful, and full of knowledge. So continue your present activities and chant your beads.

Letter to Kancanbala devi dasi, Los Angeles, 14 January, 1968

January 12

Our philosophy is "simple living and high thinking'', not sense gratification. The temple presidents and leaders (elder students) must show this by example. Temple or asrama means for renunciation and renounced persons. If one is engaged in self-realization process, then his material necessities become almost nil. Persons who do not like this can work outside.

Letter to Kirtiraja dasa, 12 January, 1975

January 11

The thing is, everyone of us should think as servant of Krishna. In the service of Krishna there may be sometimes transcendental competition but there cannot be any disruption.

Letter to Rayarama dasa, 11 January, 1968

January 10

The more we sell books, the more we advance in KC, and the more we help others to have solid information how they may take advantage of their human form of life and achieve the supreme perfection.

Letter to Kulasekhara dasa, 10 January, 1972
