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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 22

We can ask favour from anyone, but we must know that nobody can favour us unless sanctioned by the Supreme Person. Suppose we approach rich man to favour us with some contribution. Krishna is there within, and if he says, "You give him this money", the man will give us. If he is not so fortunate now therefore Krishna did not dictate him. So there is nothing to be sorry. This should be our principle.

Mayapur, March 22, 1976

March 19

We act according to our whims, and the resultant action is there immediately. Nature`s law, God`s law is there. It is not God`s creation that somebody is suffering from some painful condition and somebody is enjoying. No. We infect ourselves with some contamination because this material world is full of contamination. You must remain very cautious. Otherwise you will have to suffer.

Mayapur, March 19, 1976

March 12

Simply by changing dress, one does not improve unless he seriously takes the principles of devotional service. But in Kali-yuga, they`ll think, "Because I have changed my dress, I have become a big sannyasi." You see? "Because I have got a sacred thread, now I am a brahmana." No. There must be regular training.

Vrindavan, March 12, 1974

March 11

It is the duty of the disciple that even if the spiritual master, or senior acharya, agrees to be defeated, it is the duty of the disciple to see that his spiritual master and superior is not defeated.

Vrindavan, March 11, 1972

March 10

In this age, Kali-yuga, to kill the demons means to stop their demonic activities by weapon of kirtana, hari-sankirtana, which
is spread by Lord Chaitanya`s associates.

London, March 10, 1975

March 7

To serve the servant of Krsna is better than to serve directly Krsna, because if the servant of Krsna promises something, if the servant of Krishna says, "I`ll take you to Krsnaloka," you must go there.

Mayapur, March 7, 1976

March 6

Keep your health in good condition and work very hard for Krishna. That is our motto of life.

Letter to Rayarama, March 6, 1969

February 28

This sound vibration is not material, it is spiritual, and powerful beyond our conception. So it cannot be hindered in any way by something material; it surpasses all these material barriers. So you can know it that when you are chanting, you are also giving benefit to even the child in the womb.

Letter to Mukunda dasa and Janaki devi dasi, 28 February 1968

February 27

Regarding what to do with the eyes while on Sankirtana, your suggestion to look into the faces of people and try to convince them of the sincerity of our movement is best. There is no need of artificial things like seeing the spirit soul. We talk, and we talk on Krsna topics - that is all.

Letter to Jagadisa dasa, 27 February 1970

February 26

By no means should you stop kirtana and chanting. Of course I know that you cannot stop kirtana or chanting but it must be done regularly because that is our strength. We are always in the whirlpool of maya, and only this chanting of Mantra can save us from all pitfalls.

Letter to Pradyumna dasa, 26 February 1969
