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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 26

So it is very good that now all the devotees can take Prasadam together. All the devotees must keep together, that will be an extra strength.

Letter to Umapati, 26 April 1970

April 25

Compare what you were before to what you have become, now challenge any other mantra to produce such effect. You know it, now try to realize it yourself and convince others, that is Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Madhavananda, 25 April 1972

April 24

The Gopis' position is always transcendental. They are above karmis, yogis and jnanis. They did not even try to understand Krishna whether He was God or not, but their love for Krishna was unparalleled. So one can love Krishna without any inquiry; that is the highest perfection. To know Krishna as God is not so exalted a position as to love Krishna without knowing. There is no comparison of worshiping of Krishna as conceived by the gopis that is only to love Krishna without any purpose.

Letter to Shekhar Prasad Shrestha, 24 April 1971

April 23

We should not distribute anyone else's book except our own.

Letter to Ramesvara Maharaja and Ranadira dasa, 23 April 1976

April 22

It is not so much important the quantity of books that we distribute, but that we serve Krishna as best we can, and depend on Him for the results. Transcendental competition is nice, but it should not come to the point of making us lose our Krishna consciousness.

Letter to Dharma, 22 April 1972

April 21

Regarding organization of the artists, there is no need of wasting time for learning the art from study of texts. We should always remember that our time is very short. I think our artists should be satisfied with whatever they have learned already, that is sufficient. They should be simply engaged in painting pictures always, and that will teach them the art sufficiently.

Letter to Satsvarupa dasa, 21 April 1970

April 20

This ISKCON Press insignia is very appropriately drawn. It bears the real meaning of mrdanga or press and mrdanga are two parallel lines.

Letter to Brahmananda dasa, 20 April 1970

April 19

Regarding Kartikeya's question about worshiping Lord Jagannatha, He should always be worshiped with awe and reverence. Krishna's picture as a Naughty Child should not be treated by us as a naughty child. We should always worship Krishna as the Supreme Lord.

Letter to Sudama and Kartikeya, 19 April 1969

April 18

All the wives of our students should be especially trained up for Deity worship and cooking, and when possible they should go outside on Sankirtana Party with their husbands and others.

Letter to Hamsaduta dasa, 18 April 1970

April 16

BTG is my life and soul. Please therefore try to distribute BTG as many as it is possible. I wish to see that this magazine is published and distributed in the American way like "Readers Digest'', "Life'' etc., published in millions and distributed all over the world. Actually the position of BTG should be more important than any mundane magazine because it contains the quintessence of human necessities.

Letter to Gurudasa, 16 April 1970
