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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 12

If I could induce even one person to Krishna Consciousness through my publication, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, then I shall think my labor is successful.

Letter to R. Chalson, 12 June, 1969

June 11

I wish to form a nice Kirtana party consisting of 12 heads - 2 mrdanga players, 1 harmonium player in melody, 1 tambura player, and at least 6 cymbal players. In this way 12 heads shall perform Kirtana very rhythmically and melodiously. The harmonium should be practiced just to follow the song; not simply for tuning... If we have a successful Sankirtana party, with me, backed by our books and literature, we can make a nice propaganda of this sublime movement in all the European cities.

Letter to Mukunda, 11 June, 1968

June 10

No, you should not bother with all this nonsense. Astrology will not save you at the time of death. My Guru Maharaja was a great astrologer and astronomer, but he gave it all up. It is meant for the karmis. We have no interest in such things.

Letter to Sanatana dasa, 10 June, 1975

June 9

The explanation given by Ramesvara that sankirtana is Lord Caitanya's lila, which he compares to the gopies trying to engage others in Krsna's service, is the correct understanding.

Letter to Nandalal, 9 June, 1974

June 8

We have to keep Krsna always in the center, and then although there are disturbances and sometimes fall downs we will be able to work together and keep our society intact. Some people recommend that in the face of so many nasty thoughts which occur in material thinking, we should try to become "thoughtless'', but this is never possible. Our Krishna Consciousness principle is not to become thoughtless but to purify the thinking to always thinking of Krishna. So try to spread and encourage this philosophy of thinking of Krsna, after thoroughly assimilating it yourself.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 8 June, 1974

June 7

I wish that you can utilize your best talents in business organization and the result utilize for Krishna's satisfaction is on the absolute platform. To make the idea more clear, if I am translating Srimad-Bhagavatam, and if you are contributing for its publication and helping for its distribution, this means there is no difference between your service and my service. In the absolute platform there is no such distinction. And service is always on the absolute platform. One has to make the best use of his talent for the service of Krishna. That is wanted.

Letter to Gargamuni, 7 June, 1968

June 6

After material opulence the natural tendency is for something which is better. That better is spiritual enlightenment.

Letter to Radha Madhava Sharan, 6 June, 1970

June 5

Do not worry about past mistakes and falldowns. Krsna has given you a new chance in taking care of one of His ISKCON temples, so the future is very bright. There is nothing to worry about, simply yourself be ideal to all the devotees there by chanting as much as possible and following carefully all the regulative principles.

Letter to Nrsimha Caitanya, 5 June, 1974

June 4

I know you are always experiencing difficulties in living with devotees, but we must be tolerant and endure the personal differences, being humbler than a blade of grass, and stick to our duties to the spiritual master.

Letter to Sri Ballavh, 4 June, 1974

June 3

If you follow my instruction as above mentioned there is no doubt about it that through me my spiritual Master Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura will be pleased, and through His mercy Lord Nityananda will be pleased. In this way Lord Caitanya and ultimately Radha Krsna will be pleased, and thus your life will be successful.

Letter to Makhanlal, 3 June, 1970
